Monday, February 8, 2010

Break my heart...

...why don't ya?

Owen, you've gone to day care 4 times now. It's a great place with wonderful people, fun toys and a great environment. Each time you've gone, though, I've had to physically hand you over to someone and walk out the door while you cry for me. I don't know if I've ever felt anything worse. I want to burst into tears and run back to get you, but I know that neither action would help either one of us.

People say that you'll stop this behavior, but I'm not so sure. You still do the same thing every Sunday when I take you to the nursery. Each time, at church and day care, they say that it only takes about a minute before you're completely calm, happy and playing. I'm not sure why you do it. Just for attention? Do you really want me? You're always SO busy enjoying yourself at play when I return. I actually even have a hard time getting you out of there. So why the torment, Precious? I'm glad this will only be necessary for the next few months. I know we both need some time on my own every once in a while, but I think this might be too high a price to pay.

You're breaking my heart!

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