Saturday, February 13, 2010

Bye Bye Baby!

Hello, Big Boy!

My little Owen, you're getting to be SO big. Tonight you're going to spend your first night in a big boy bed, in your big boy room, with your big brother. It feels like I was just rocking and nursing you yesterday and then I blinked. What happened?

This is definitely a bitter sweet development. You, of course, couldn't be more excited. For months, every time we've said it's time to go to bed you 1) protest and then 2) go running into Caleb's room and climb onto the bottom bunk. In theory, you're ready. There is this whole bigger issue, though, of the freedom that you're suddenly going to have and whether or not you're going to be able to handle it well. That's the part that makes Mommy and Daddy nervous! Take this morning, for instance. Here I sit, enjoying the peace and quiet in my house. It's 8:30 and Caleb is quietly watching cartoons in the other room, Zach is still savoring his day to sleep in and you are still in your crib. You're awake, but playing quietly and happily. In my mind, this is bliss. Tomorrow, though, could be a whole new world. The second your eyes pop open, you'll have the freedom to climb out of bed on your own. Once you're a little older it won't be bad, because you'll probably be more interested in doing things like big brother - either playing in your room or watching cartoons. For now, though, you want to be right in the middle of everything Mommy and Daddy are doing. So, if we're trying to enjoy our last few moments of lingering in bed, I'm sure there'll be nothing you'll want to do more than:

a) bounce on top of us
b) burrow under the covers
c) pull open the curtains
d) all of the above (i.e. the most likely to occur)

I'm sure we'll have our rough moments, but before I know it, they'll pass and you'll be a pro at being my big boy. My mommihood mantra that's gotten me through more than a few breaking points has been that "this, too, shall pass". The thing is, though, it's a catch 22. At times like these I also have to remember that everything is passing - the challenges and the good. Neither are going away, entirely, just changing. Some new challenge is sure to rear its ugly head. Some new big boy accomplishment will bring us joy. (Potty training, maybe? No pressure...or maybe just a little!)

Anyways. I love you so, my little O. You're finally calling for me..."Momma, Mommy! I so 'wake! Let's go! My grow up!" (It's how you refer to getting up in the morning.) Sigh...this is happening way too fast. Here I come, Precious!

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