Tuesday, February 16, 2010

This is Tough!

This big-boy-room/bed transition has proven tougher than I hoped it would. We're 2-and-6 now and those two victories feel like they were pretty darn small. I don't think it was this hard when you switched, Caleb. But, then again, you were a few months older than Owen is now and you've always been a little less obstinate. Plus, you weren't switching into a room that already had a big brother in it. It's a bonus! He gets a big boy bed and a built-in playmate all in one! It's got to be tough, I just wish it was going more smoothly - for your sake and mine! [I went in to quiet O - again - during nap time this afternoon and he was perched as high and close to you as he could get saying, "Caleb! Caleb! Hey, Caleb...!" You, my poor big boy, had pulled the covers over your head and were trying your hardest to ignore him so that you wouldn't get in trouble for being noisy, too.]

Regardless of the rough patches we're traveling, you're both such precious boys and I love you so much. [Even though I feel like wringing your necks most of the time lately!] Our house and our family have been gearing up for big changes lately and I'm proud of both of you for handling it so well. To be honest, you've both been behaving with more grace and patience than I have! You are good, good boys and I love you!

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