Sunday, August 15, 2010

Baby! Where's your hair?!?

Caleb @ 1 week

Owen @ 2 months

Nathan @ 4 months

Hmmm... What happened to your hair, Nathan? If you look at only the first two pictures, it'd appear that it is a Taylor family trend for babies to be born with tons of hair. But, apparently, Nathan, you are the one to buck the system - AND I LOVE IT!!!

It was definitely fun having babies with so much hair. You guys got a ton of attention everywhere we went: "Look at all that hair!!!" You were both so handsome and, well, furry.

But, I always felt a little jealous of mommies that had bald babies. I always imagined that it'd feel pretty darn nice to nuzzle my cheek against such a nice orb of fuzz. Now, I get to experience the best of both worlds! Granted, you didn't start out quite this bald, Nathan.

All three of my guys have had to have haircuts fairly early in their lives - 12 weeks or so for both Caleb and Owen. It was necessary, in order to tame your manes! Now, at 16 weeks, you've had your first haircut, too, Nathan! It started with a buzz. You had some sweet tufts of fluff at the nape of your neck that kept getting knotted from all your wiggling. So, in an effort to prevent the knots, I buzzed it off! But, then you were just left with your sweet little baby fuzz and one patch of hair on the top of your head that was ridiculously long. As your Uncle Boomer so accurately claimed, it really was the world's greatest comb-over. Since your daddy and I aren't particularly big fans of comb-overs, we decided it should go - and away it went! Now your entire head is covered in fine, short fluff and it's wonderful!

Since Caleb and Owen were both past due and Nathan came two weeks early, I figured that was the biggest cause for the differences in hair. I expected Nathan's little head to be covered in no time. But, it hasn't happened yet! I'm sure it will, but, in the mean time, I've got a lot more nuzzling to do!

I love you all...and your precious [furry or not] melon heads!


  1. Oh how beautiful! I'll be right over to rub his precious head. I like the haircut, I think it is high time you have a fuzzy head to nuzzle instead of a full mane. Although I do love the other two hairy monkeys...I guess I have forgotten how hairy they were!

  2. I certainly hope that Mommy put it in an envelope to attest to the fact that he did have some and that it was similar in color to hers when she was little. What a precious trio of heads--covered or not!

  3. I most certainly did put it in an envelope! TWO envelopes, to be precise. One has the fuzz from his first buzzing and the other has the, well, comb-over. I can't wait for you to see his precious noggin. I know most people would consider cutting off your baby's hair just short of a criminal offense, but I think you'll like it! He's so beautiful!
