It's only 9:30, and I've already had two very clear realizations:
1) The title to this post, "You Stinker", may very well have occasion to be used over, and over and over on this blog.
2) The entire direction of my day can be changed drastically, just by opening a door.
So, here goes. Back to the post. Owen, you are a stinker. Literally AND figuratively.
You didn't make a peep for a long time this morning. Actually, you didn't make any noise at all. I mistakenly assumed that meant you were sleeping in a little. Wrong. It was time to get things going, so I opened your door. What did I find? Stink. You'd had a dirty diaper and, being such a good baby, decided to help out by taking it off. You were sitting on top of your teddy bear [ewww] with a naked, dirty butt and your dirty diaper sitting at the opposite corner of the crib. I tried to mop things up as best as possible, but I think it had been
just long enough that things were pretty well dried. [ick]
That's where the "direction of my day changing" part comes in - showers were necessary, stat. Thus began my first shower with you, Owen. Yay! You've been in there before, just for fun. I never actually set you down and let you play while we both got clean, though. I thought you might still be a little small, but you did just fine. There were several episodes of the curtain flying back and hysterical baby giggles, but overall it went just fine. You enjoyed popping bubbles and hollering "Bubba, bubba, bubba!" I imagine this routine will become the norm starting in the fall, when we have to get Caleb off to school early in the morning. [Speaking of that, I keep meaning to start looking for a 'drop your kid off at school before showering' baseball cap, because I have a feeling I'm gonna need one!]
So, Owen, you had your first shower this morning, and then you did, too, Caleb! Yours was solo, though. I told you that since O was already clean that you could have a bath by yourself this time. [Bathtime, out of necessity, has been two-at-a-time ever since O has been big enough.] I figured you'd jump at the offer, because you love to stretch out and play in the whole bath. No deal. You wanted a shower, too. So, I peeked around the curtain and instructed you on how to get clean in the shower. For a boy who doesn't like water, it's a little challenging. I thought we might have trouble when, after only stepping into the shower, you said, "But I don't want to get wet!" Aaugh! You ended up doing just fine, though, and thought the whole thing was quite fun.
A new era, of boys showering, may have dawned in the Taylor household this morning. Now, massive amounts of dirty [really dirty] baby laundry must ensue. Here goes!